To take advantage of Group literary Arabic course and choose your group you must first of all pass a level test.
You will also have to take a level test if you are studying in Private online Arabic courses and that you choose to study the Al Kunuz program.
Below you will find the links to the level tests. Choose the test that best fits your current level
To take advantage of our Literary Arabic courses privately and collectively, you will find below the links to the level tests.
Choose the test that best fits your current level for learn Arabic online.
Be sure to take note of the final result in order to register yourself at the appropriate level.
Good luck!
If you can't read or you only know how to read but don't know anything else, there is no test to do, you will have to register at the “Grand Beginner” level.
What is taught in this level:
Grammar: the noun, the verb, the “harf”. The masculine and the feminine. Verb types (Madi, Moudari3, Amr).
Spelling: The “Ta Marbouta” and “Mafttouha”. The hamza “qat3” and “wassl” If you have the prerequisites in reading and comprehension and you have not studied these notions of Arabic grammar And the Arabic spelling (or partially) then register at level 0.
If not, take the Level 0 test to be sure
What is taught in this level:
Arabic grammar: The nominal and verbal phrase, the “maf3oul bihi”, the “hourouf jar”, the singular, the dual and the plural and their “3alamates al i3rab”, the irregular plural.
Spelling: The “hamza wassl” and “qat3” in detail, “alif motatarifa”, letters that can be read but not written, letters that can be written but not read.
If you have the reading and comprehension requirements and you have not studied the grammar/spelling concepts (or partially) present in level 1 (but you have studied all those present in level 0) then you will have to register for level 1.
If you think you have acquired these notions to learn Arabic, take the test for level 1 to validate this
Level test 1
What is taught in this level:
Arabic grammar : al Af3alou nassikha (Kana wa akhawatouha”), al hourouf an-nassikha (ina wa akhawatouha), fi3l moudari3 wa nassibhi wa jazmihi, tanith al khawatouha”, tanith al fi3l, i3rab al maf3oul bi bil harakate.
Spelling : writing the hamza in all its forms at the beginning, middle and end of a word.
النحو = الأفعال الناسخة ( كان وأخواتها) // الحروف الناسخة ( إن وأخواتها) //الفعل المضارع ونصبه وجزمه //تأنيث الفعل // إعراب المفعول به بالحركات
الإملاء : كتابة الهمزة بجميع أشكالها في أول الكلمة // في وسط الكلمة //المتطرفة
If you have the prerequisites in Reading the Arabic language and in comprehension and if you have not studied the grammar/spelling concepts (or partially) present in level 2 (but you have studied all those present in level 1) then you will have to register for level 2.
If you think you know all these concepts, take the Level 2 test to validate that.
Prerequisites for Learn Arabic literature at levels 3 and 4:
What is taught in Level 3:
النكرة والمعرفة // المعارف // أسماء الإشارة وإعرابها // الأسماء الموصولة // الضمائر المتصلة والمنفصلة وإعرابها // الأسماء الستة // المبني للمعلوم وللمجهول
What is taught in Level 4:
ظرف الزمان والمكان // الحال // النعت // العطف // المعرب والمبني // المثنى وشروطه الصرف : الميزان الصرفي // تقسيمات الفعل الصحيح والمعتل ، الماضي والمضارع والأمر،المجرد والمزيد ،الجامد والمشتق ،اللازم والمتعدي ،بناؤه للفاعل أو المفعول
If you think you have acquired these notions, take the test for level 3 or 4 to validate this.
Prerequisites to take advantage of this level of Arabic courses online :
What is taught in Level 5:
الجملة الاسمية // أحوال المبتدا //أنواع الخبر // الرابط بين المبتدأ والخبر//الابتداء بالنكرة //تقديم المبتدأ على الخبر وجوبا وجوازا// تقديم الخبر وجوبا// الحذف في المبتدأ والخبر
الصرف = الاسم // المصدر // اسم المرة// اسم الهيئة // المصدر الميمي // المصدر الصناعي// اسم الفاعل // اسم المفعول
If you think you have acquired these notions, take the level 5 test to validate this.
What is taught in Level 6:
الفاعل بالتفصيل //المفعول به بالتفصيل//المفعول المطلق// الصرف: صيغ المبالغة//الصفة المشبهة باسم الفاعل// اسم التفضيل//التعجب// اسما الزمان والمكان//اسم الآلة// جمع التكسير// تقسيمات الاسم
What is taught in Level 7:
البلاغة : علم البديع المفعول فيه//الاختصاص// الاستثناء//المنادى// الحال// التمييز
If you think you have acquired these notions, take the test for level 6 or 7 to validate this. These are tests to be sent back by email.
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